Where now for the post-Merkel CDU?

Three middle-aged white Catholic men from western Germany have declared themselves the best choice to turn round the fortunes of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the center-right party which dominated German politics since 1949, and has itself been dominated by the success of one woman for 16 years.

Friedrich Merz, now on his third leadership bid in four years, Norbert Röttgen, on his second, and Helge Braun, Angela Merkel’s chief-of-staff, have now all announced their candidacies in the race, with a winner set to be announced at the party conference in Hanover in late January.

It is not exactly a diverse line-up, as political pundits point out.

“Of course, one could have one’s doubts,” said Ursula Münch, director of the Bavaria-based Academy for Political Education. “It’s unfortunate thatthere are no women standing as candidates, but on the other hand, I don’t think it makes sense to make personnel decisions based solely on balanced gender relations or whether they come from the same state or have the same denomination. The important question is do you get someone as the leader who really succeeds in putting a renewal process into place?”

All three are considered old boys in the Christian Democrat network, though their political careers could barely be more different.

Angela Merkel and Friedrich Merz in the year 2000

Friedrich Merz ist often described as Angela Merkel’s nemesis

Merz is currently seen as the front-runner. He lost a bitter power struggle in the CDU against Merkel two decades ago and promptly dropped from the scene, spending years amassing a personal fortune as a high-powered business consultant, lawyer, and eventually board member for several major corporations, including wealth management colossus BlackRock.

The favorite of the rank-and-file

He re-entered the political arena in 2018 when Merkel, his erstwhile nemesis, announced she would no longer be heading the party. Merz promptly positioned himself as a conservative neoliberal whose lucrative career outside politics gave him a populist edge against the stifling party establishment.

While the CDU rank-and-file adored Merz and his air of independence, party leaders twice closed ranks around their preferred more moderate candidates to succeed Merkel as chancellor: First Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, and then the hapless 2021 election candidate Armin Laschet.

Now that the members are allowed to elect their leader directly, Merz’s time may have come. And Ursula Münch thinks the party leadership has begun to accept that Merz is inevitable. “Clearly it’s not been successful to keep wanting to stop Friedrich Merz,” she told DW. “Constantly blocking someone can also paralyze a party and tear it apart.”

Though popular in the party and well-known in the country, some political observers doubt whether the 66-year-old Merz would be the best man to rebuild the CDU over five years of opposition. “His age alone probably makes him an interim solution if he’s elected,” said Wolfgang Seibel, chair of politics and public administration at Konstanz University. “He’s also someone who in certain critical situations in the past hasn’t shown himself to be very stress-resistant. Apparently, he only got over his two defeats with difficulty. He seems thin-skinned.”

But more recently there have been signs that Merz has shown some flexibility about his ideas and a willingness to learn from the CDU’s historic humiliation in September’s election. The party was found to have lost the most votes to the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) and the Greens, and Merz has been shifted noticeably to the center ground since launching his third bid.

As he presented his candidacy in Berlin, Merz made a point of underlining the importance of social policy. His proposed choice for CDU general secretary was 46-year-old former Berlin social affairs minister Mario Czaja who snatched the direct mandate from the Left Party in one of Berlin’s less advantaged neighborhoods and is considered likely to appeal to the working-class demographic.

The liberal-conservative-environmentalist

Merz’s main challenger is Norbert Röttgen, another figure with a checkered relationship with Merkel. As environment minister in her second Cabinet from 2009 to 2012, Röttgen enthusiastically implemented the phaseout from nuclear power following the 2011 Fukushima disaster. But Merkel replaced him a year later, much to Röttgen’s reported disappointment after the CDU performed poorly in a regional election in North Rhine-Westphalia, where he had been the lead candidate.

Röttgen came third behind Merz and Laschet in the last CDU leadership race in 2020, but the 56-year-old can hope for better chances this time, particularly as he has presented himself as the liberal candidate who can blow fresh wind into a stagnant party. His young supporters have taken to posting selfies on social media proclaiming themselves members of the #Röttgang.

” Norbert Röttgen is the candidate with the strongest caliber,” said Wolfgang Seibel. “He has had a very prominent position both as parliamentarian as well as a minister. He is simply the most experienced. And he stands for conservative-liberal political center of the Christian Democrats – that’s what distinguishes him from Friedrich Merz.” For Seibel at least, Röttgen’s interest in progressive social and economic policy is much more credible than Merz’s.

But though Röttgen might appeal to the German population at large, he is seen as less of a favorite for the CDU’s some 400,000 members.

Helge Braun

Helge Braun has been a loyal Angela Merkel ally

The non-rebellious outsider

Making up the numbers in the race is Helge Braun, Merkel’s former chief-of-staff whose service was rewarded in 2018 with a non-specific post in her final Cabinet – as Minister for Special Affairs. The 49-year-old is considered an outsider in the leadership race, seemingly destined to split the anti-Merz vote and so hinder Röttgen’s chances, at least in the first round of voting, before withdrawing before an inevitable run-off between Merz and Röttgen.

“I have no idea why Braun has put himself forward as candidate,” said Ulrich von Alemann, professor of political science at Düsseldorf University. “He’s not famous at all and he isn’t a party politician. He’s not even really a politician. He’s more of an administrative expert. He might well be excellent at that.” That, at least, is Braun’s pitch to the party — a balanced manager to guide the party through its crisis.

Whoever wins, the next leader of the CDU will face an awkward task. The Christian Democrats are not used to being in opposition, whose policies have almost always been shaped by the demands of running the country. They now face five years of trying to create a distinct alternative centrist ideology against a government that is already occupying the center ground under Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

“The CDU should commit to a real social market economy again, then it would speak to both the middle classes and the so-called little people,” advised von Alemann. “Secondly, it should be liberal, and not forget human rights in Germany and abroad. And thirdly, it needs to represent modern conservative values, including family values.”

Straddling all those bases while modernizing the party is of course not going to be easy, especially when members are faced with this choice.

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Where now for the post-Merkel CDU?
Source: Pinoy Pop News

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