Correspondent perspectives: Reporting on the war in Ukraine

Reporting from the Maidan Square in central Kyiv on Saturday, Mathias Bölinger says the city is “eerily quiet, eerily empty.” Very few people are on the streets; many have left the city, and others have been spending days in bomb shelters. He says the situation in the southeastern port city of Mariupol is much more dire. People have gone for days without running water and electricity, and much of the city is badly damaged.

Monika Sieradzka is in Przemysl, Poland, on the border to Ukraine, where some 40,000 people are arriving every day. Among those desperate to escape Ukraine are many frightened children, who have seen the horrors of war firsthand. “A new generation of European refugees carry the baggage of trauma into their new lives,” Sieradzka reports.

Frank Hofmann and Grzegorz Szymanowski report from the Polish-Ukrainian border crossing Mediky-Shehyni, where the initial pressure has eased somewhat in the last few days. The correspondents say the daylong waits and long traffic jams witnessed at the start of the war have been significantly reduced as Polish authorities process the refugees more efficiently and volunteers arrive from around Europe to provide assistance.

Correspondent perspectives: Reporting on the war in Ukraine
Source: Pinoy Pop News

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