Ukraine crisis forces Germany to change course on energy

The largest gas storage facility in western Europe is located in the northern German state of Lower Saxony 2000 meters (1.24 miles) below ground. It is the size of 910 soccer fields and can hold the annual natural gas consumption of around two million single-family homes. “Big. Bigger. Rehden.” is the slogan on the website of the company that operates it. The facility plays a central role in the security of supply for Germany and Europe.

Astora is a subsidiary of the Russian energy giant Gazprom, and it owns more than a third of all German gas storage facilities. All the sites have one thing in common: they are currently almost empty with levels down to 10% or less of capacity.

Economy Minister Robert Habeck assumes that the storage facilities have been “systematically emptied” intentionally in order to drive up gas prices, but also to generate political pressure.

A new law to guarantee gas reserves

About 55% of Germany’s gas imports come from Russia. In addition, 50% of hard coal and about 30% of oil. While Germany has a strategic reserve for oil, which by law must last for 90 days, there is no such requirement for gas and coal. Here, only the companies themselves decide on their reserves.

It has now become clear that was a mistake, and the economy ministry wants to push through legal changes as quickly as possible. First of all, for gas: Storage facilities are to be filled to no less than 80% capacity by October, 90% by December, and still at least 40% by February of any given year.

The law is to be introduced in Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag, in a timely manner so that it can take effect on May 1, 2022. “This is necessary to ensure that we have until the summer to fill up the storage facilities,” according to a statement from the Ministry of Economics. But what happens if that is impossible, as Moscow orders energy supplies to be curtailed or even stopped?

Greenpeace banner calling for nuclear phaseout across Europe at Grohndepower station

Germany is set to switch off its three remaining nuclear reactors at the end of 2022

Stopping coal and nuclear phaseout?

A fervent debate has begun in government circles; but in times of crisis, many things are conceivable that would otherwise not have seemed possible. For example, postponing the nuclear phase-out. After the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, Germany decided to go ahead with its plan to shut down all its nuclear power plants by 2022. The last three nuclear power plants are still in operation.

At the same time, a decision has been made to phase out coal-fired power by 2038 at the latest.

But concerns about German energy security are now calling everything into question. The economics ministers of the 16 German states have already called for an examination of longer operating times for both coal-fired and nuclear power plants. “All options must be on the table,” said Economics and Energy Minister Andreas Pinkwart of Germany’s most populous state, North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW).

Pinkwart is a member of the business-oriented Free Democrat party (FDP). The nuclear phase-out has always been a thorn in the side of the FDP. But there are also regional interests. NRW has 52 power plants and the highest number of coal-fired power plants in all of Germany. NRW is also one of four German states with large lignite mining areas. The premiers of these states also question an accelerated coal phase-out.

Wind turbines are seen near the coal-fired power station Neurath of German energy giant RWE in Garzweiler,

Energy giant RWE operates a coal-fired power station as well as wind turbines in North-Rhine Westphalia

“Everything is on the table,” according to Federal Economy Minister Robert Habeck. The Green Party politician is in a very difficult position. It is his job as a government minister to make securing energy supplies his top priority. On the other hand, phasing out coal in the face of climate change is a core issue for his environmentalist Green Party, and phasing out nuclear energy has been part of the party’s political identity since its founding.

Habeck says he will not fight off an extension of nuclear power “for ideological reasons.” However, he said, preparations for shutting down nuclear power plants are already so far advanced that continuing operation is not possible for safety reasons. According to the operating companies Eon, RWE, and EnBW, it would be technically difficult to quickly procure suitable fuel rods. There is also a shortage of specialized personnel.

Even if it were decided that the nuclear power plants should remain operational, it would take a year and a half before the reactors could actually generate electricity again, according to NRW Economy Minister Pinkwart. For technical reasons, they would still have to be shut down at the end of the year and then restarted to be operational again in the winter of 2023/2024 at the earliest, he says.

Robert Habeck looking tired

Economy Minister Robert Habeck has promised to consider all options

Buying LNG

To replace Russian energy supplies in the short term, the Economy Ministry is looking into buying more gas from other countries, for example in the Arab world. In addition, LNG, or liquefied natural gas, is to be imported from the USA.

This will be delivered by sea.  Germany wants to build two terminals on the North Sea coast, in Brunsbüttel and Wilhelmshaven, as soon as possible. The latter is to be mobile, located on the water, and the other permanently installed on land. The problem: The approval procedures alone are likely to take between two and five years.

LNG is considered to be “dirty” because it is produced by environmentally harmful fracking. It is also more expensive than Russian natural gas. But on the road to climate neutrality, gas has so far played a crucial role as the energy carrier for the transition period. And modern gas-fired power plants emit less CO2 than coal-fired power plants.

Economy Minister Habeck will hold talks in the US this week about the purchase of LNG, but also in general about the consequences of sanctions, security policy and energy security. But the current crisis is also an opportunity for the environmentalists to massively push the expansion of green electricity. “The most important key to our energy sovereignty is the global transformation toward more renewable energies and greater energy efficiency,” said Habeck before leaving for the United States. “Of course, we are debating the question of energy security in the transatlantic alliance.”

But in Germany’s coalition government even FDP party leader and German Finance Minister Christian Lindner has changed his tune. He now calls renewable energies “freedom energies.” Chancellor Olaf Scholz has labeled them “crucial for our security.” In parliament, on Sunday, he confirmed: “The faster we push ahead with the expansion of renewable energies, the better.”

Model for a floating LNG terminal in Brunsbüttel

Germany has plans for a floating LNG terminal in Brunsbüttel

A package of laws is set to come into force as early as July to enable a full supply of electricity from renewable sources by 2035. The law is to stipulate that the expansion is in the “overriding public interest and serves public safety.”

To achieve this, however, capacities will have to be expanded enormously. In the case of wind energy, capacity is to double to 110 gigawatts by 2030. Solar energy is expected to more than triple to 200 gigawatts. To convince those who oppose more wind turbines being built in their neighborhood, there are plans to allow municipalities to participate financially in wind farms.

All of this is pie in the sky. In the short term, it will not be possible to compensate for the lack of Russian energy supplies. What is certain is that energy prices will continue to rise as supplies become scarcer. The German government therefore wants to abolish the levy that electricity customers have been using to help finance the expansion of renewable energies.

This will tear another hole in the already increasingly burdened state coffers, leading to a shortfall of an estimated 1.1 billion euros ($1.23 bn) per month.

This article was originally written in German.

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Ukraine crisis forces Germany to change course on energy
Source: Pinoy Pop News

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